I promise to defend parental rights, focus on core academics and advocate for local control.

Brittany Gledhill
Kennewick School Board
I am thrilled at the prospect of serving on the Kennewick School Board. With five children attending high school, middle school, and elementary, our family is well acquainted with KSD. We have always had wonderful and inspiring teachers and competent and caring administrators and support staff. We love Kennewick Schools!
As a future School Director, I am most excited about the prospect of visiting with teachers, administrators, and most importantly, parents, about their experiences with KSD. I promise to listen first. I promise that your concerns will inform my decision making.
We have seen evidence in Kennewick schools, even before COVID, that student engagement is down. Students learn differently these days! We need to engage our students in learning differently than we did when you and I were growing up. We need classrooms with distinguished teachers who value student voice and who encourage students to lead out in their own learning. Student-led learning is engaged learning!
I believe profoundly in the power of collaboration and am looking forward to working with other members of the school board to ensure Kennewick School District’s continued success.
Feel free to reach out.
Ideas that shape the future
Leadership that Listens
I promise to listen first. I promise that your concerns will inform my decision making.
Protecting Parental Rights
Parents should be fully informed of their children’s activities while they are away at school.
Improve Student Engagement
Teach math, science, reading and civics so students can be prepared to enter the workforce or attend college or technical school.
Brittany is amazing human being and probably overly qualified to run a school district. She is a common sense thinker and has been tirelessly working in our community for years.
She will be a wonderful addition to the school board and she will provide balance and perspective.
I highly recommend Brittany Gledhill for Kennewick School Director.
Micah Valentine